Travel Policy training dates in 2014

Three trainings devoted to the travel policy will be held till the end of 2014 — on June 11, October 16 and December 10.

The first step to business travel budget optimization is the development of travel policy. It should be noted that not less than 90% of large companies in western countries use travel policy as a tool of business trip cost optimization.

The aim of this training is to provide control and to optimize the company’s business trip costs, to help employees systemize the process of business trip preparation and arrangement.

This training is a unique opportunity to study the main principles of travel policy development in the company.

You will get acquainted with the main objectives and functions of the business trip policy, its structure and components, the main document flow of business trip arrangement.

The main topics of the program include:

— What is travel policy?

— Legislation

— The structure of travel policy

— Business trip as a cost optimization tool

Training participants highly appreciate the benefits of the program and its organization.

«I am glad I have confirmed my participation in the training — nice atmosphere, interesting information. Besides, there is an opportunity to exchange opinions with your colleagues», Tatyana Lyakhovskaya, business travel department manager in FSUE Russian Post shares her impressions.

Oksana Efremenko, head of business travel department in Rusfinance Bank, points out professional preparation of the program, both theory and its practical aspects.

«The program is very detailed and easy to understand», Olga Metyolkina, head of business travel department of office administration in Kamov JSC notes. «I have learned some new aspects of the business trip policy».

In order to take part in the program, please fill in the form on this page.